

Like many other Python packages and bioinformatics softwares, MAmotif can be obtained easily from PyPI or Bioconda.


  • Python >= 3.6

  • MAnorm >= 1.3.0

  • motifscan >= 1.2.0

  • numpy >= 1.15

  • scipy >= 1.0

Install with pip

The latest release of MAmotif is available at PyPI, you can install via pip:

$ pip install mamotif

Install with conda

You can also install MAmotif with conda through Bioconda channel:

$ conda install -c bioconda mamotif

Usage of MAmotif

To check whether MAmotif is properly installed, you can inspect the version of MAmotif by the -v/--version option:

$ mamotif --version


Before running MAmotif, you need to configure the genome and motif data files for MotifScan:

Please refer to the QuickStart section of MotifScan for the details.

Run complete MAmotif workflow

MAmotif provide a console script mamotif for running the program, the mamotif run sub-command is used to run complete MAmotif workflow (MAnorm + MotifScan + Integration).

$ mamotif run --p1 sampleA_peaks.bed --p2 sampleB_peaks.bed --r1 sampleA_reads.bed --r2 sampleB_reads.bed -g <genome>
–m <motif_set> -o <output_dir>


The run sub-command only provides basic MAnorm/MotifScan options. If you want to control other advanced options (MAnorm normalization options or MotifScan scanning options), please run them independently and call MAmotif integration module with the mamotif integrate sub-command.


-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Enable verbose log output.

--p1, --peak1

[Required] Peak file of sample A.

--p2, --peak2

[Required] Peak file of sample B.

--pf, --peak-format

Format of the peak files. Default: bed

--r1, --read1

[Required] Read file of sample A.

--r2, --read2

[Required] Read file of sample B.

--rf, --read-format

Format of the read files. Default: bed

--n1, --name1

Name of sample A.

--n2, --name2

Name of sample B.

--s1, --shiftsize1

Single-end reads shiftsize of sample A. Default: 100

--s2, --shiftsize2

Single-end reads shiftsize of sample B. Default: 100

--pe, --paired-end

Paired-end mode.


[Required] Motif set to scan for.


[Required] Genome name.


P value cutoff for motif scores. Default: 1e-4

-t, --threads

Number of processes used to run in parallel.


Which sample to perform MAmotif on {both,A,B}. Default: both


Split genomic regions into promoter/distal regions and run separately.


TSS upstream distance for promoters. Default: 4000


TSS downstream distance for promoters. Default: 2000


Method for multiple testing correction {benjamin,bonferroni}. Default: benjamin

-o, --output-dir

Directory to write output files.

Integrate MAnorm and MotifScan results

The mamotif integrate sub-command is used when users have already got the MAnorm and MotifScan results, and only run the final integration procedure.

Suppose you have the MAnorm result (sample A vs sample B), and the MotifScan results for both samples:

To find cell type-specific co-factors for sample A:

$ mamotif integrate -i A_MAvalues.xls -m A_motifscan/motif_sites_numbers.xls -o <path>

Convert M=log2(A/B) to -M=log2(B/A) and find co-factors for sample B:

$ mamotif integrate -i B_MAvalues.xls -m B_motifscan/motif_sites_numbers.xls -n -o <path>


-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Enable verbose log output.


MAnorm result for sample A or B (A/B_MAvalues.xls).


MotifScan result for sample A or B (motif_sites_number.xls).

-n, --negative

Convert M=log2(A/B) to -M=log2(B/A). Required when finding co-factors for sample B.


Genome name. Required if –split is enabled.


Split genomic regions into promoter/distal regions and run separately.


TSS upstream distance for promoters. Default: 4000


TSS downstream distance for promoters. Default: 2000


Method for multiple testing correction {benjamin,bonferroni}. Default: benjamin

-o, --output-dir

Directory to write output files.

MAmotif Output

After finished running MAmotif, all output files will be written to the directory you specified with “-o” argument.s

The MAmotif output table includes the following columns:

1. Motif Name
2. Target Number: Number of motif-present peaks
3. Average of Target M values: Average M-value of motif-present peaks
4. Std. of Target M values: M-value Std. of motif-present peaks
5. Non-target Number: Number of motif-absent peaks
6. Average of Non-target M-value: Average M-value of motif-absent peaks
7. Std. of Non-target M-value: M-value Std. of motif-absent peaks
8. T-test Statistics: T-Statistic for M-values of motif-present peaks against motif-absent peaks
9. T-test P-value: Right-tailed P-value of T-test
10. T-test P-value By Benjamin/Bonferrroni correction
11. RanSum-test Statistic
12. RankSum-test P-value
13. RankSum-test P-value By Benjamin/Bonferroni correction
14. Maximal P-value: Maximal corrected P-value of T-test and RankSum-test